Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Bed Room Floor Plan

Of course it is important to consider color, size and cost but it is equally important to be mindful of the amount of wear and tear the tiles will receive.
Some tiles will handle little wear whilst others are industry strength and will stand up to thousands of feet traffic daily, like that at shopping malls.
Ceramic floor tiles are put through abrasion resistance tests and then classified according to their ability to withstand abrasion.

High traffic areas such as public lobbies, restaurants, shopping malls, airports and other commercial sites, require tiles with a very high resistance to abrasion, much higher than what you would require in your own home.
And outdoor areas like plazas, parks and courtyards will also need tiles that are specified as frost resistant and slip resistance.
As is it critical, to ensure that tiles around pools be slip resistance. And how many times have you nearly fallen on someone’s entrance tiles due to a lack of slip resistance. Many of the ceramic floor tiles available for the outdoors today, feature an abrasive "grit" added to the surface to assist in preventing slip.

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