Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011

How to Read Palms

It is a mysterious occurrence that the lines on our palms happen to depict the small and large changes in our lives. These lines are also constantly forming, changing, and disappearing. These lines have fascinated mankind for ages.

Palm reading or Palmistry is a fascinating art and science of deciphering the meanings of these lines on your palms.

Our palms are perhaps the most accessible parts of our body. They depict many things: beginning with their texture, their color, their flexibility, the fingers, the nails, and their size and so on. The study of Palmistry begins here, and moves on to the various lines on the palms. Apart from these lines, there are various mounts on the hand, which stand for certain qualities. These are also important, as are the lines that are on or emerge from these mounts.

This is the first question that is asked by most people. Traditional Palmistry suggests that the left hand of women and the right hand of men are to be seen. However, the scientific approach differs greatly in its approach. The scientific approach says that it is important to see both the hands of a person. It states further, that the left hand is a doorway to the natural persona of the client, whereas the right hand shows what he has done with his personality and talents. Of course, this is opposite for the left handed person.


The texture of the hand is also a key to the persona of the client. This has to be observed for both, the back and front of the hand or palm. A soft textured hand shows sensitivity and refinement. A coarse textured hand will depict a coarse nature. Calluses will show that the client is either a hardworking person or has a job where he has to work with his hands a lot.


The flexibility of the hand shows the adjustable nature of the person. The more flexible the hand, the more adjusting his nature is.


This is also an important aspect to consider. The shape of the nails also gives us an insight into the personality traits of the client. Long nails which taper at the tips show creativity. Square nails show orderliness. It is also important to note the color of the skin under the nails.


The color of the hands shows the nature of blood circulation in the client’s body. A pinkish colored hand, therefore, shows a healthy individual. Yellow denotes excessive bile production. Blue color shows a circulation problem.


The mounts are found generally at the base of the fingers. It is important to note the texture, color and firmness of these mounts, just as one would examine the hand in general. Here is some general information about these mounts.
The mount at the base of the index finger is the Mount of Jupiter and it denotes ambition, leadership, religion, and love of nature.
The mount at the base of the second finger is known as the Mount of Saturn, and it denotes soberness, wisdom, sadness, and balance.
The mount at the base of the ring finger is called as the Mount of Apollo. It denotes brilliance, artistic tendencies, happiness and success.
The mount at the base of the fourth finger is known as the Mount of Mercury, and it shows the client’s aptitude for industry, business and shrewdness.
At the base of the thumb is the Mount of Venus, which shows love, sympathy, music and passion.
The edge of the hand below the base of the Mount of Mercury is the Mount of Moon. This shows imagination, mysticism, coldness and selfishness.
The rest of the hand, which is the middle part of the palm, forms the Plain of Mars, which shows courage, bravery and aggression.


And now we talk about the lines on the hand. These are perhaps the most fascinating part of our study. Here is some general information about these lines.

The first prominent line, just below our fingers is the Heart Line. This line shows the emotional nature of the client, along with any problems relating to the heart.
Just below the heart line is the Head Line. This line shows the mental or intellectual nature of the client, along with any mental problems that he might suffer.
The third prominent line, which follows a downward curving path on our hand, is the Life Line. This shows us the nature and length of the client’s life.

The Line(s) of Affection are present on the Mount of Mercury and show relationships and marriage.The Line of Saturn or the Fate Line crosses the palm and begins near the end of the Life Line and ends somewhere near or on the Mount of Saturn. This line shows the material success of the client.

The Line of Apollo begins from the upper part of the Mount of Moon and ends on the Mount of Apollo. This line determines the brilliance of the client in his / her sphere of life.
The Line of Mercury begins on the plain of Mars and ends on the Mount of Mercury. This line denotes the health of the client.

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