Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

lady gaga meat dress rock and roll hall of fame

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  • ZigZag
    08-12 02:10 PM
    I am so emotional now........just got the email, text message and message on the website changed to "Decision"

    Mine, my wife's and my son's cases APPROVED!!!!

    My case was in NSC. No additional fingerprinting, except one in Oct 2007, my son had to do one since he turned 14 this year....

    14 years of wait is over......Praise be to God for his faithfulness and mercies


    Congrats. I also got mine today after 12 years in the country.....

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  • anotherone
    02-05 09:12 PM
    There was a mixup and it has been cleared up, so I have the employment offer again.
    thanks to all that answered

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  • Lady Gaga#39;s meat dress at the

  • saimrathi
    07-10 03:19 PM
    So USCIS will never see the flowers becoz they are boxed.. and they will never get delivered becoz they are being routed from the airport itself. No major news media covered the few deliveries at USCIS.. What was the point of the campaign again?

    For those of you who is interested in one line Q/A

    "Is the flower campaign working? Yes"

    "Are we good enough with what we have done? Not 100%"

    What happened

    We were at the loading dock by 10 30 am ( Delivery estimate was between 11 am and 1 pm) and DHL appeared to
    have already delivered around 50 boxes once around 9 am. All the flowers we sent are boxed . The visuals will
    be boxes and not flowers in the evening when the youtube video will be uploaded. UPS delivered nex. We got the
    video of the whole delivery and so did the CNN-IBN/Voice of America folks. There were around 30 boxes or so from
    UPS. Next Fedex delivered and there were around 10-15 boxes coming out. While we were doing the recording one of the
    officers politely told us not to capture federal buildings and we told them that we were only capturing the delivery of
    flowers. After this what ever truck was coming in, they were reversing and pushing back into the dock so that the
    delivery cannot be taped. CNN-IBN reporter asked for permission to go inside the loading dock and she was promptly
    denied any permission. Then We had a down pour for almost 20-30 minutes and we had to leave the place.
    It appears that the S&H dept now knows that most of the flowers are being delivered by DHL/UPS/FEDEX, they are taking
    care of the diversion at National airport it self.

    In the future if any one wants to do a flower campaign, Please select 2 local florists
    (only two florists, in that particular city) and have people call and place orders/online. That way
    we can talk with 2 florists and track their delivery easily for picture/video. Every one who tried to call
    FTD/proflowers had alot of trouble getting any thing out of them. Actually, we cant blame them because they
    are not doing it locally,instead they are putting their orders via national carriers.

    Where do we go from here

    If people really want to go out and get the main stream media attention, DC is the perfect choice. How ever,Don't plan on a weekend. If we do it right, we could be live on TV and the whole country will ask whats going on, along with the law makers. That will offer a platform for solving the issue at its roots.If you really want to do this, Dont come up with reasons like I dont have time off for a day or I have a project due. I can understand if 1 or 2% of our active members say it, but when 98% of our active members say that I can understand what it is. May be its time we figure out whether we prefer anonymity and pontifical verbatim on the online forum to expressing our concern/disappointment openly. Do not get offended and start flaming me. Just my thoughts.

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  • pani_6
    08-21 10:17 PM seem to have gotten your GC..why the heck to you care..besides I applied ones in 00 and due to screw up attorney..had to apply again..also look in track it and are people stuck from 99..please dont waste people's time by asking silly questions...

    Thanks for the clarification.

    If your PD is 2003, then you are waiting for 5 years, not for decade. Just FYI, saying decade (instead of 5 years) is material misrepresentation.

    Good Luck.


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  • Glam rock#39;s mind-boggling

  • nk2006
    01-15 11:13 AM
    Hi RajuSeattle--

    You nailed it man. As i said in my post yesterday what you described so well is exactly what happened and so my explanation of just 140 substitution was not accurate.

    Please note the response I got from the attorney of my previous employer (the one who revoked)

    This is exactly what I previously explained and what XX verified for you. The I-140 was revoked/withdrawn and the labor certification was substituted. If only the I-140 had been revoked/withdrawn then you would still be portable. However, as XX confirmed, the company used the case to substitute another employee.

    Clearly the ex-employer and USCIS are at fault. I have the approved I140 and to date on my uscis portfolio it states that my I140 was approved in Feb 2005. I changed jobs in June 2006.

    I am so &^^%$#@ tired, that if this does not work....I am going back. Enough is enough.

    Your frustration is understandable but talk to a good lawyer and open an MTR immediately. From your description yours is a good example of how USCIS is confused about AC21 cases - work with your lawyer on MTR it seems MTR's are successful in most cases. Also please take time and contact Ombudsman to file DHS Form 7001 as suggested at:

    (look back in this thread a few other members had similar issue - I485 denial upon withdrawal of I140 by previous employer - contact them directly to get specific lawyer info).

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  • needhelp!
    09-09 06:10 PM
    NumbersUSA is SICK

    Several baseless allegations and an attempt to stop HR 5882 bill by NumberUSA: :mad:

    This is time for us to work together, leaving all differences aside.


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    08-25 04:25 PM
    wrong calculation 5000/2500=2. It is 2 cents perminute. Have you used C# program?:)

    Any way with vonage, one can call other friends in all other 60 counties and others part of us too..

    I did not know that Sarcasm is a unknown phenomenon in parts of Brazil....:D

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  • Lady Gaga#39;s #39;meat dress#39; goes

  • punjabi
    04-05 04:04 PM
    Most of the hype is being created by the immigration law firms and attorneys, rather than DOS or USCIS. They are after the dough!

    The news might just bring relief to many people, but look at who is creating the most of the hype - it's attorneys.

    The comments in this update kind of seem contradictory to me. It says that there might be possibility for greater advancement than earlier thought... and then they talk about moving it back.
    Whatever it is..I don't know why they are creating so much publicity about this bulletin. Does it mean they are going to advance the dates by a couple of years??? If it was for a few months why would they create so much hype about this?


    lady gaga meat dress rock and roll hall of fame. Lady Gaga#39;s meat dress?
  • Lady Gaga#39;s meat dress?

  • Cheran
    05-24 01:06 PM
    Did you go through the medical exam yourself??
    Is there another blood work required besides the one for HIV and Syphilis?? Thanks
    The Doctor did only the 2 blood tests.

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  • Lady Gaga sported the meat

  • chanduv23
    10-30 10:45 PM
    I received a response from the ombudsman. I am not sure if our issue is properly understood by his office. When we write about AC21 issues, the response talks about I-140 delays. Gurus, please help me understand the contents of the response below:

    Dear xxxxxxxxx:

    Thank you for your recent correspondence to the Office of the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman (CIS Ombudsman). I appreciate your comments regarding I-140 processing at the Service Centers. We are well aware of the processing delays at all of the Service Centers and the AC21 issues created by these delays. USCIS has taken steps to address the processing delays, but their efforts have not come about swiftly. We have received several inquiries such as yours and are very concerned. We are currently discussing these issues with USCIS and continuing to review their policies and procedures concerning these petitions. Hopefully we will soon be able to help USCIS with a recommendation to address the I-140 delays and AC21 problems.

    Generally, we do not accept case problems presented by emails. Under the authority of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, the CIS Ombudsman assists individuals and employers who experience specific problems during the USCIS benefits seeking process, largely to identify problems and to formulate recommendations to improve the USCIS service. Please see our website for more information about the CIS Ombudsman ( If you have an individual case problem, please follow the instructions outlined at the website.

    I believe that first hand information from individuals like you is the best source for identifying systemic problems in the immigration benefits process. My office will consider the information you provided as we develop recommendations to improve USCIS� practices and procedures.

    Once again, thank you for taking the time to contact my office, and for giving me the opportunity to serve you. I look forward to the day when I can report that the work of this office has been accomplished because our vision of a world-class immigration benefits system has been achieved. Your contribution takes us a step closer to reaching this goal.

    Office of the Ombudsman

    Lets continue to do what we are doing. It is very essential that all of us participate in this campaign to make it a success.


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  • Lady Gaga#39;s Meat Dress Heads

  • pappu
    01-09 03:44 PM
    Small suggestion.I am looking for IV's achievements (Not Campaigns,News updates etc) in IV home page since it's started.

    I do see 1)Success with July 07 fiasco 2)2 year EAD

    We should have a link(In Home Page) to a achievements page(which we have to keep updating we achieve something) which just briefly mentions IV's achievements.

    If it is already there someone please post the link here.

    We have it in about us page if you scroll down

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  • garybanz
    01-08 02:19 PM
    Just sent a letter to my Congressman requesting him to send a letter to the President...PM me if any one wants to use my letter as a template.


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  • Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

  • chava_100
    09-22 02:28 PM
    I got USCIS 485 Approval email for me and my spouse.

    When did you receive the mail?

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  • baburob2
    02-09 05:34 PM
    From the article below:
    Senate Judiciary committe hearing on immigration will start from March 2nd and will start talking with Sen. Specter's markup which is a good starting point and the full senate hearing will subsequently start as expected on March 27th.

    Congress to consider immigration in March
    By Ray O'Hanlon

    With regard to the reform issue in Congress, the expectation as of this week was that the Senate Judiciary Committee could take up the various reform bills as early as Thursday, March 2.

    The initial discussion in the committee would focus primarily on the proposal drawn up by its chairman, Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania.

    Specter has presented a so-called "chairman's mark" which is comprised of original proposals and some aspects of other bills including the Senate's McCain/Kennedy bill, and the Sensenbrenner/King bill, which has already been passed by the House of Representatives.

    The Judiciary Committee hearing is a prelude to full Senate consideration but St. Patrick's Day is likely to delay that for some days after March 17.

    This year, for the first time, Congress is taking a week off after the Irish patron saint's day and officially labeling the break as the St. Patrick's Day recess.

    That would mean that the earliest likely date for a Senate debate on whatever the judiciary Committee presents it would begin on Monday, March 27.

    Given the sharp contrast in the main bills, that debate could some time, weeks if not months to complete.

    Meanwhile, Bush noticeably advanced his position on reform in his State of the Union speech to the joint houses of Congress.

    "We hear claims that immigrants are somehow bad for the economy, even though this economy could not function without them," he said.

    "All these are forms of economic retreat, and they lead in the same direction toward a stagnant and second-rate economy," the president added.

    "Keeping America competitive requires an immigration system that upholds our laws, reflects our values and serves the interests of our economy.

    "Our nation needs orderly and secure borders. To meet this goal, we must have stronger immigration enforcement and border protection. And we must have a rational, humane guest worker program that rejects amnesty, allows temporary jobs for people who seek them legally, and reduces smuggling and crime at the border," he added.

    However, as with previous statements, Bush did not go into detail as to how he exactly defines amnesty.

    How he, and Congress, ultimately defines it will have a profound effect on the lives of tens of thousands of undocumented Irish.

    This story appeared in the issue of February 8 - 14, 2006


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  • Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

  • Bpositive
    02-10 01:34 PM
    the first contact for the congressman's office is the relevant consulate. so it doesn't hurt. it is a simple process. your boss has to sign a confidentiality release document for you and attach a cover letter. to help your boss, identify the congressman, go to the congressman's website and find out where the forms are, write a draft cover letter etc . you can do this yourself i.e enquire as a constituent just in case you don't want to involve your boss. i think it may be better that it goes through your boss

    i do think it helped prevent further delays though...

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  • anotherone
    01-29 06:52 PM
    As such, you have to start looking for other jobs because you are not sure if they will accept EAD even after a week.

    If they offer you the job, well and good, but if not, I think you can litigate for various reasons because what they did is not right.

    I am going to start as soon as I calm down :)
    however, it is not easy preparing with a whining toddler at my knees ,

    *goes off to find daycare*


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  • The dress -- which Gaga wore

  • pranju
    06-15 01:30 PM
    i want to confim abt the G28 ( i guess it is not needed if we are filing on our own ) i see it is there in the checklist you have provided on the firstpage


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  • Ramba
    08-07 12:56 PM
    US court already clearly given vertict to BS+5 years alone itsef qualify for EB2. It was a major ruling against INS.

    US educated (or holding master degree) is no way superior than holding BS+5 years experience if job requires more experience . Similarly BS+5 years is no way superior than MS, if job requires absolutly Masters degree (like research).. So dont compare each other, as each has its own merits. Education and experience cannot replace each other.

    However, One can send a petition to DOL/USCIS to deny the second LC/140 application if an employer files two LC/I-140 for a single person (same employer -same beneficiary) for a similar kind of job, just to help the employee to line jump from EB3 to EB2. This may work to stop abusing the system.

    Read this before you go further ..

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  • spdy_mn
    06-29 05:44 PM
    Conspiracy? DOS is part of bush administration. And since the president is dissapointed because of CIR. He wants a back lash from immigrant community?

    Probably they wanted to raise $4.4 billions for border security through us. Since there is no need for that money now that CIR failed they are going back to status quo.

    06-13 10:36 PM
    The L1 visas done by the outsourcing companies are the main reason for the employment problem. These companies like TCS, Wipro etc.. bring people in L1A, L1B blamket visas to do the common development/Business Analysis/Project Management job in the client site.

    There is no quota for L1 Visas. They can bring any # of people they want. Per law the L1A s should be of senior managerial position with at least 4 subordinates working under them in US and L1B should be of specific skill very important for the project and not available in US. But the most of the L1As from these companies are just programmers/BAsor small PMs. They are directly controlled by their client manager.

    The main intent of these our sourcing companies is to send the employees on L1 and the employees are constantly told to somehow transfer the project to offshore.

    The L1 frauds should defenitely be reported. I totally support this initiative to report the L1 frauds committed by these outrsourcing companies.

    I understand your point. But this is exactly what anti-immigrants complain about H1Bs. ( depressing wages, outsourcing etc)

    It is interesting that we are using anti-immigrant's arguments to pin L1s.

    04-17 01:47 PM

    I have heard from friends that if after 90 days of applying you don't receive an EAD card, you can walk into a local USCIS office and they will issue you an EAD. Is this still true? If yes, what documentation do I need to take with me? Its been 2 months since I applied. Anybody know how long it is taking from NSC?


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